Mr. Orc, eager to find work, was wandering through the bustling streets when he encountered a mysterious figure named Gobson. With a sly grin, Gobson offered him an intriguing opportunity: a job at a new massage parlor, one that catered to exclusive VIP clients who desired more than just a typical massage—they craved the sensual touch of a strong man. Intrigued and in need of a steady income, Mr. Orc accepted the offer.
Under Gobson’s guidance, Mr. Orc began his rigorous training to become the ultimate masseur. He honed his skills on regular clients, mastering the art of relaxation while earning enough to make ends meet. But behind the scenes, he pushed himself even further, working out tirelessly to build his strength and endurance. His goal was clear: to be ready for the most demanding and sensual encounters that awaited him with the VIP clientele—those who sought not only physical relief but the powerful touch of a man who knew how to please.
Day by day, Mr. Orc grew stronger, both in body and skill, transforming into the best masseur in Gobson’s shady enterprise. His reputation soon spread, attracting more high-paying clients eager for the ultimate experience here in the world of Orc Massage.